Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Today I talked to the person about me looking for new producers in Russia. And that what I've heard:

"You will not believe, but in our country we officially still have no sex. They "cut" woman's breast from our program. We are back to those times. Why? Because our TV channel run by same people that were there at the soviet times and their mentality "what if something will happen?" Only the elite can do what is available in the world, but quietly. As it was when we were young. The fact that people are alcoholics are known by everyone, but we can't talk about it. Because talking about it is bed for our reputation as a country. The story about the bird that brings new born children - is popular again. We, government, working on positive image of Russia. If the person that you will try to convince about your film at list sow "Legend of Narayama" maybe he will agree with you with his words. But believe me, Our film industry now - is filled with people who wants to make money. They want to keep their places and don't want to argue with the government."

I guess it explains the reason why my film didn't get financed by Russian government... It's good to know.

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